We need your help – 2022 end of the season.

Tau Bo Ara’! (Hello Great People),
Our community is facing financial hardship & we did not receive enough volunteers to steward and assist with “physical help” on the land as we had hoped. Currently we are closing out our 2022 season with still much to do. While we are actively improving the land and healing services for our community. We have run short on firewood, kindling, and other supplies needed to close out our season and prepare for 2023. We need your help to make our efforts go even further!
If you’re able, we’d love it if you could make a donation and share to help us achieve our goal of $900.
Thank you in advance for your contribution!
Please donate to our GoFundMe account so we can purchase wood & pay to have the other duties handled. Seneko Kakona – Many Blessings to you all!
Thank you again,
Chantel & Jesse