Taino Woods Update – SEPTEMBER 2022

Tau Bo Ara’!
(Hello Great People),
Volunteer Weekend:
The Autumnal Equinox is just around the corner; some of the Trees’ leaves have begun to make their great colorful changes. Our evenings and dawns are becoming a bit cooler; and we are praying for the Rain to rehydrate the Land before its great composting.
Atabeyra asks for our assistance so She can continue to care for all life and prepare the Land for the upcoming dormant seasons.
This weekend is our only volunteer weekend for the month of September.
Labor Day Weekend:
Friday 9/2 – Monday 9/5:
We are seeking volunteers who can assist with the following tasks:
– Wood chipping and splitting
– Gathering kindling
– Patching the walkways
– Shed construction
– Build Bell Tent deck
– Sealing the decks
Complementary overnight stays are available for those who volunteer. Email us at: Tainowoodsny@gmail.com with your interest.
Remember, all volunteer check-ins for work weekends are Fridays between 4pm and 9pm; or Saturdays by 8am. Volunteering will wrap up by 2pm on Sundays.
Danza with Miguel Sague:
It’s happening! Taino Woods is hosting its very first (mini) Danza on September 10th! With our incredible, kind and knowledgeable elder Miguel Sague, we will learn the traditional dance steps performed by our Taino and Arawakan ancestors. (This dance is still performed by the Arawakan tribes, the Lokonos and the Wapishanas, who live in the South American rainforest!)
On this day, we will gather for a full moon ceremony, a (mini) danza, and a purification lodge ceremony. We will commune in song, in dance, and in the traditions of our ancestors.
This is a community-give-back event. The donations for this event are combined with the donations for the purification lodge at a smaller cost. This is our Thank You to you all for your support, love, and generosity.
To reserve your spot, learn more information about our Danza and Behike Miguel Sague, and to book a campsite for the weekend, contact us at: tainowoodsny@gmail.com and visit this link: More on Miguel Sague.

Purification Lodge + Fire Keeper Apprenticeship:
On Saturday September 17th, we are hosting a purification lodge ceremony in honor of upcoming New Moon and Autumnal Equinox. This time of year marks the second great harvest; an opportunity for us to gather in gratitude for all that Atabeyra provides for us in food and water, shelter, medicine, family, and community.
Calling all fire keepers, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to continue this great work of providing a safe, healing, and integrated space of medicine for others and yourself. By your learning of our ancestors’ traditions, you are not only paying them honor and respect, but you are also doing that for your Self. We honor your commitment; and encourage you to attend this ceremony.
For those seeking more information about the history, the tradition, and what to expect of a purification lodge, visit: A Moment on Purification Lodges and email us at: tainowoodsny@gmail.com.
This will be our only purification lodge for the months of September and October.
A Sacred Medicine Retreat:
The weekend of September 23rd – September 25th, Taino Woods Sanctuary is hosting our FRIENDS from Outside for a Sacred Medicine Retreat.
A fantastic opportunity to gather around the Autumnal Equinox, move and paint our bodies, conduct breath work, create art and music, share stories, songs, medicine, and participate in fire and sweat lodge ceremonies.
For more information about this beautiful event, the carpool, and how to reserve your spot and make a deposit, email: friendsoutsidePhl@gmail.com.

That’s a wrap,Yukayeke!
We hope to see your beautiful, radiant, sentient selves at one of our events this month (and to give you one of those extra special Taino hugs).
Han Hankatu!