Taino Woods Update – November 2021

Tai Mautia from Taino Woods,
As the leaves change around us so rapidly and so richly, we too have changed and grown as a community. We have been busily working to tie loose ends within Taino Woods and within ourselves as the dormancy of winter knocks gently at our doors.
Upcoming Ceremonies:
On Saturday December 4th, we are hosting a sweat lodge ceremony in honor of the New Moon. The New Moon represents new beginnings, a time to set new intentions. To create. A time when prayers are heard and dreams come true.
To prepare for this ceremony, we encourage you to write about what you would like to see, achieve, and enjoy in the next six to twelve months. Bring this paper with you to the ceremony. Burn it in the Grandfather Fire so that it can be heard by Creator. Let’s utilize the power of the New Moon and create a new beginning for each other and ourselves. If you are someone who is interested in attending the New Moon Sweat Lodge, email us at: tainowoodsny@gmail.com. Overnight stays are available, but space is limited. We are not accepting walk-ins at this time.
Another sweat lodge for you! On Saturday January 15th, we are hosting a sweat lodge ceremony in honor of the Full Moon. The full moon offers us the opportunity to sit in the fullness of our lives. It is a time to feel deep gratitude for the many blessings we hold and experience. It is also a very powerful time to recommit ourselves to what matters most. If you are interested in attending the Full Moon Sweat Lodge on January 15th, email us at: tainowoodsny@gmail.com.
A Call for Help:
With Winter quickly moving upon us, we humbly ask for your help with gathering wood and kindling. Firewood and kindling are essential for staying at Taino Woods through the Winter; and we would greatly appreciate your help with this.
Our New Embarkment:
Over the last few weeks, Taino Woods has taken on the task of incorporating as a Church! “What? Taino Woods is becoming a church?!” Yes, we are; and we understand the cause for alarm, but hear us out. The word “church” means different things to different people. For some, it may even have a negative connotation. To us, a church is a group of people who come together on an ongoing basis for spiritual communion (prayer, ceremony, dance, service). That’s us! This declaration will allow us all of the rights and protections that come with this status, which not only gives us the safety of a long-term future, but it also provides us with the freedom to gather as a like-minded community. We are practicing our right to freely engage in our Sacred and Spiritual work as well as be clearly recognized as a sincerely spiritual community. Taino Woods will still be the same old Taino Woods.
In the meantime, we hope to see you at our sweat lodge ceremonies.
Han hanktau familia.